
Elf no Oyome-san Feeds Large-Breasted Elves “Magical Power”

Elf no Oyome-san Feeds Large-Breasted Elves “Magical Power”

An upcoming eroge is once again focusing on the succulent race that is the elf as the protagonist finds himself taken to another world full of the well-endowed maidens, the plot being for him to provide them with “magical power”.

One day camping alone in the woods, a middle-aged man witnesses a strange elf woman with gigantic bosom and in an instant is taken to a fantasy world – he felt much younger and stood before a great tree.

An elf girl takes the man home and offers aid in exchange for some of his “magical power”, which is, of course, extracted through sex; the man then becomes a keeper of the world tree and is tasked with looking over four elves, all of whom are hungry for his magical power.

Screenshots of some of the enticing sex:

ElfnoOyomesan Eroge VisualNovel Screenshots 1

ElfnoOyomesan Eroge VisualNovel Screenshots 2 ElfnoOyomesan Eroge VisualNovel Screenshots 3 ElfnoOyomesan Eroge VisualNovel Screenshots 4 ElfnoOyomesan Eroge VisualNovel Screenshots 5 ElfnoOyomesan Eroge VisualNovel Screenshots 6 ElfnoOyomesan Eroge VisualNovel Screenshots 7 ElfnoOyomesan Eroge VisualNovel Screenshots 8 ElfnoOyomesan Eroge VisualNovel Screenshots 9 ElfnoOyomesan Eroge VisualNovel Screenshots 10 ElfnoOyomesan Eroge VisualNovel Screenshots 11 ElfnoOyomesan Eroge VisualNovel Screenshots 12 ElfnoOyomesan Eroge VisualNovel Screenshots 13 ElfnoOyomesan Eroge VisualNovel Screenshots 14 ElfnoOyomesan Eroge VisualNovel Screenshots 15

Elf no Oyome-san can spread its love for superb elf women come August 27th.

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Written by Sugoi Hentai

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